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Hello There! Welcome Back
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Today we are going to take a look at Splitting DateTime and Date & Time Fields.
Real-Time Use-Case
Client wants to input interview date and time in a DateTime field and want you use that date and time separately.
E.g. They want to send email alert with an email template saying “Your interview is scheduled on Date(From DateTime Field) at Time(From DateTime Field with AM/PM).”
Output: If the DateTime is “1/2/2017 9:00 AM“, The sentence should be “Your interview is scheduled on 1/2/2017 at 9:00 AM”
Create 2 Formula Fields:
Formula(Date) – For Date
Formula(Text) – For Time
Formula For Date:
Formula For Time:
First, you need to find your Salesforce Org’s timezone. You can find it under Company Information in your Salesforce Org.
E.g. lets take it as +8:00 and divide it by 24 which gives us + 0.3333(referred in the formula below)
12 Hour Format
IF(VALUE(LPAD(MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5),2)) = 12 , MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5)+' PM', IF(VALUE(LPAD(MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5),2)) < 12, IF(VALUE(LPAD(MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5),2)) = 00, TEXT(12)+MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 14, 3), IF(VALUE(LPAD(MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5),2)) < 10, MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 13, 4), MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 5)))+' AM', TEXT(VALUE(MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 12, 2))-12)+MID(TEXT(DateTime__c + 0.3333), 14, 3)+' PM')
24 Hour Format
MID(TEXT(Meeting_Date_and_Time__c + 0.3333), 12, 5) + IF(VALUE(LPAD(MID(TEXT(Meeting_Date_and_Time__c + 0.3333), 12, 5),2)) < 12 , ' AM', ' PM')
That is it! We learned how to split DateTime into Date & Time.
Cool one, Right?
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