Summer’17 SLDS – An Important Change You Should Know About It!

Summer’17 SLDS – An Important Change You Should Know About It!

Hello There! Welcome Back
Hope you are doing great

The Summer’17 version of the Lightning Design System(2.3) is out with some more great components and it is Awesome!

Apart from that, there is a very important change that makes this release standout from its previous versions. For those of you who use SLDS regularly, you might have noticed the change.
As per the Salesforce Lightning Design System’s release notes May 25, 2017:

Big Impact

BEM naming change
Initially we used the double dash style for BEM notation (- -). Due to the fact that double dashes are problematic in an XML environment (which doesn’t allow double dashes within comments), we have upgraded our syntax to use the single underscore style (_). This change is backward compatible for 18 months. But all components going forward are built with the single underscore BEM style.

Release Notes(SLDS)

So, start converting the relevant styling syntax.
Also, the SLDS script shown in this blog will be converted as soon as possible.

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Happy Coding!