On the journey of making your dream come true, there will be a lot of obstacles.
People are gonna say things and things are gonna happen both positive and negative, but you gotta take the positive things and keep moving forward. Sometimes the negative stuff holds you back which might make you sad and you feel like giving up on it.
This is a rough world.
You are resilient.
Just breathe and remind yourself that all that bad stuff is just a storm that too shall pass.
Those are the times.. when you gotta calm down for a while, close your eyes and just recollect why you started it all.
What was the thing that made you start it all in the first place, the thing that made you take the very first step of your wonderful journey, and you will be motivated like never before?
And once that storm is over, you will be stronger, harder, and much closer to making your dream a reality than ever before.
It is not gonna be easy.
But in the end, It is totally gonna be worth it.